Pandemic 2.0 - now is the ideal time to position your company for many years of future success

The business landscape has changed dramatically in 2020. Many businesses were forced to shift from an in-person model to a remote work environment. The National Association of Realtors reported that vacancy rates nationally have reached 20% and retail mall space was at 35% with those rates projected to continue to increase as more businesses either cease operations or alter their business structures.

Far too many small to mid-sized businesses have been acting like turtles, retreating into their shells and waiting for this threat to pass. In fact, a recent worldwide study found that 89% of marketers delayed or cancelled advertising campaigns during the pandemic. They have hunkered down simply hoping to avoid the approaching storm. When they emerge from their storm shelters once the twister has passed, they will be faced with attempting to rebuild while facing a far different landscape. Alternatively, a very small percentage of businesses are taking the opposite approach, acting like aggressive lions and pouncing when their prey is most vulnerable.

Those lion organizations:

  • are adapting, offering new products and services

  • are hiring the best available talent in their industry (often made available by the turtles)

  • are advertising to strengthen their brand image and improve customer awareness

  • are expanding their client base

  • are finding new processes and automations

  • are actively taking market share from those turtles

  • have positioned themselves for tremendous growth when the economy improves

So are you a fragile turtle or are you ready to act like a strong and courageous lion?


What is holding your business back?